Tunnel Growing Rooms
JFM Standard 'Heavy Duty' Single span tunnels are available in 7m and 10m widths. Tunnels are supplied in various lengths. All structure frames are made from large diameter Galvanised Tubular Steel incorporating straight sides for improved access and air circulation.
Customised structures can be designed wider or taller than standard, for tropical or alpine climates, with composite panel gable walls, reinforced polytarp covers, aluminium cladding rails, concrete dwarf walls or with snow braces.
With the continuous development of the mushroom industry for farm improvements to meet food producing standards, we have committed to researching and developing our 'Standard Tunnel' to meet these requirements.
We use quality materials that conform to the Food Standards Industry. We use bespoke panel ends suitable for food production as well as the harsh environment.
Composting Tunnels are designed to incorporate aerated floor specifications and Air Handling Equipment, which are determined by the size of the composting room.
Panel Built Structures
JF McKenna Ltd, through our partnering agreement with GTL Europe, can also offer a complete panel built farm. GTL Europe is one of the market leaders in the field of engineering, construction and equipment for composting and mushroom cultivation and combined with JF McKenna can offer a complete turnkey solution for composting facilities, growing rooms, air handling, climate control and growing equipment.